We’ve seen Break occur numerous times during gameplay, but they cleverly ended the footage right before we learned what Break actually did. However, the officially translated tweet via Nintendo of America has clarified this. Update: Originally, there was some ambiguity about how long Break would last for. An enemy inflicted with Break cannot counterattack until after the next fight their next attack. When a character uses a weapon with a weapon triangle advantage and the attack lands, this triggers “Break” on the enemy. Also, Bows are effective against fliers and Tomes can target the Resistance stat.

This might be because they’re all ranged weapons (Daggers has yet to be confirmed, but if they function like in Fates and Heroes, they should be). What’s a bit surprising is that Bows, Tomes and Daggers don’t have a weapon triangle advantage against anything. Likewise, Tomes and Daggers (seen in Céline’s showcase) had the same colour icon. In hindsight, this isn’t a massive surprise because Body Arts had a golden/brown icon on the map (although I didn’t really notice) and during Framme’s showcase, Body Arts had a weapon triangle advantage against Bow, which had a silver/colorless icon on the map. In addition, Body Arts (basically Brawling) beats Bows, Tomes and Daggers. Like other games, Sword beats Axe, Axe beats Lance and Lance beats Sword. The previous mainline entry, Three Houses, didn’t feature a weapon triangle, although there were “Breaker” abilities that were similar.