The one pointing to nowhere at the left side of the huge door is a bug. Then, ignore the Gold Brick Detector in the Restricted Section Library (NOT THE LEVEL, IN FREE-ROAMING AROUND HOGWARTS, NOT THE LEVEL) unless there are two of them. Have a nice day! 🙂įind the missing Student in Peril. If it is a “Gold Brick Detector” in the Library Restricted Section, ignore it it is a arrow from the Crest Detector it is a bug. If you are missing one Student in Peril, that is probably why. If not, tell me wherever else a gold brick thing is appearing. Try those things and if all else fails, see if you missed the gold brick in Borgin and Burkes behind the Counter (go to the Leaky Cauldron, to Diagon Alley, use Reducto twice on the gate to go to Knockturn Alley, go to the end of it, enter, jump behind Counter). Either that or it is that there is a Student in Peril near the top, hanging from the edge of the Roof near the door to the Clocktower (the right side) and you need to fly up to him with the broom and cast a regular spell on him. Try both, unless you already used Reducto on the knight. I think it is the dark magic thing with the stud rings. Either that or use Reducto on the metal knight stuck inside the fountain. Repeat for all the rings and then the Gold Brick will appear and you can fly into the Gold Brick and get it. Fly through the rings made of studs GET ALL THE STUDS IN THE RING and the next will appear. You have to use Dark Magic on the black and red thing next to the owl stand and then there will be broomsticks.
#Lego harry potter years 1 4 gringotts gold bricks how to
The information below will show you where they are and how to get them. There are another 37 bricks that must be found while free-roaming around the school. Reducto (Defence Against the Dark Arts, Yr4).Expecto Patronum (Defence Against the Dark Arts, Yr3).Buckbeak Handling (Care of Magical Creatures, Yr3).Riddikulus (Defence Against the Dark Arts, Yr3).Immobilus (Defence Against the Dark Arts, Yr2).Broomstick Flying (Flying lessons, Yr1).Further down the post is another table listing all the bricks to be found while free-roaming. The table below will show you what lessons throughout the story will unlock gold bricks.

37 bricks can be found while free-roaming around Hogwarts.15 bricks are given to you for completing lessons in story mode.

4 bricks are found in the Leaky Cauldron basement by building the models.12 bricks can be bought from Eyelops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley.10 bricks are given for completing the bonus levels in Gringotts bank.50 bricks are given to you for each of the students in peril that you find.24 bricks are given for completing the house crest each of the levels.24 bricks are given for achieving true wizard in each of the levels.24 bricks are given for completing each of the levels within the game in story mode.The list below shows you a breakdown of where the bricks are found.

Many of the gold bricks can be found by achieving certain things throughout the game and will not require you to go looking for them.